Ambassador Hashmi’s first visit to Hong Kong paves way for enhanced bilateral relations

Feb 29, 2024

Pakistan’s Ambassador to China Khalil Hashmi, during his first official visit to Hong Kong from February 21 to 25, carried out a series of engagements aimed at further strengthening existing ties and fostering new avenues for collaboration between Pakistan and Hong Kong.

During his visit, Ambassador Hashmi engaged in a wide spectrum of interactions, meetings, and dialogues, with a focus on bolstering bilateral relations across various sectors, including trade, business, culture, and education.

In his meeting with Chief Executive John Lee, Ambassador Hashmi commended the vibrant dynamism of Hong Kong and lauded the visionary leadership of Mr Lee.

The two sides laid special emphasis on enhancing trade partnerships, fostering cultural exchanges, and strengthening educational cooperation between Pakistan and Hong Kong.

Ambassador Hashmi also met key figures including Andrew Leung Kwan-yuen, President of Hong Kong’s Legislative Council; Nicholas Ho, Commissioner of Belt & Road; Eric Ip, Group Managing Director of Hutchison Port Holdings; as well as senior leadership representatives from the Hong Kong Trade & Development Council, Invest Hong Kong, and the China General Chamber of Commerce.

These meetings underscored the promising trajectory of economic collaboration between Pakistan and Hong Kong, setting the stage for mutually beneficial engagements in the future.

The ambassador also engaged with Dr. Rizwan Ullah, a distinguished member of Hong Kong’s newly-elected District Council, alongside other government officials and members of the Pakistani community residing in Hong Kong. These discussions provided insights into the achievements, priorities, and future aspirations of Pakistanis within the region, fostering a deeper understanding and synergy between the two communities.

Ambassador Hashmi also visited the Pakistan Club in Hong Kong, where he interacted with members of the Pakistani diaspora, recognizing their pivotal role in fostering cultural exchanges and economic collaboration between Pakistan and Hong Kong.

The Ambassador’s visit was aimed at laying a robust foundation for future collaboration between Pakistan and Hong Kong, in the years ahead.