Ashrafi hails SIFC as catalyst for Pakistan’s economic progress

Mar 31, 2024

Pakistan Ulema Council (PUC) Chairman Hafiz Muhammad Tahir Mehmood Ashrafi on Sunday commended the establishment of the Special Investment Facilitation Council (SIFC) as a pivotal stride towards economic revitalization.

He, speaking to the press, lauded SIFC as a visionary initiative spearheaded by Chief of Army Staff General Syed Asim Munir. He emphasized that this landmark initiative has garnered trust not only from fraternal Islamic Arab nations but also from both local and foreign investors.

Expressing optimism, Ashrafi underscored the potential of SIFC under the leadership of Prime Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif to navigate Pakistan out of its prevailing economic challenges, aligning with the visionary strategies advocated by the army chief.

Acknowledging SIFC as a testament to the collaboration between the military and civilian leadership, the PUC chairman hailed it as a substantial boon for both Pakistani and foreign investors. He reiterated his belief that SIFC would serve as a cornerstone for the development and prosperity of Pakistan, encapsulating the shared vision of the government and the armed forces.

With the establishment of SIFC, Ashrafi said Pakistan stands poised to attract increased investments, foster economic growth, and pave the way for a brighter future. As stakeholders rally behind this transformative initiative, he said hopes are high for a sustainable economic resurgence that benefits all segments of society.

Ashrafi issued a resolute statement in response to the recent attack on Chinese guests in Besham, declaring that those responsible would face the full force of justice.

In a stern warning, the PUC chairman emphasized that the perpetrators of this heinous act would be made an example, ensuring that such acts of terrorism and extremism are met with uncompromising resolve.

He reiterated the nation’s unwavering commitment to combatting terrorism under the leadership of the Commander-in-Chief, General Syed Asim Munir alongside the unified efforts of Pakistan’s armed forces and security agencies.

Expressing solidarity with China, Ashrafi conveyed heartfelt condolences on behalf of Pakistan, affirming that the entire nation shares in the grief of its esteemed ally. He reassured China that Pakistan stands firm in its commitment to thwart any attempts by enemies to undermine the strong bond of friendship between the two nations and the safety of Chinese visitors.

Ashrafi underscored that Pakistan’s determination to safeguard its guests, particularly those from friendly nations like China, remains steadfast. He unequivocally stated that the perpetrators of this cowardly act would not escape justice, emphasizing that their punishment would serve as a stern deterrent to those who seek to disrupt peace and harmony.

As investigations into the attack continue, Ashrafi said Pakistan’s resolve to uphold the rule of law and protect the safety and well-being of all visitors within its borders remains unwavering. The nation stands united in its condemnation of terrorism and extremism, reaffirming its commitment to maintaining peace and security for all, he maintained.