Afghan trade delegation, FPCCI discuss bilateral trade

Apr 23, 2024

Afghan trade delegation led by Board Member of Afghanistan Chamber of Commerce and Investment (ACCI) and Co-Chairman Pakistan-Afghanistan Joint Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PAJCCI) Khan Jan Alokozai visited Federation of Pakistan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FPCCI) here at its Regional Office on Tuesday.

Both sides discussed in detail the ways and means to boost the bilateral trade relation between the two neighbouring Muslim countries.

On this occasion, the FPCCI Regional Chairman and Vice President Zaki Aijaz said that Pakistan and Afghanistan have great scope for promoting bilateral trade, adding that regional trade has of great importance and it needs collaborative and joint effort to benefit from each other economies.

He said that trade relations with neighboring countries are essential and it is very important to have a banking channel to promote bilateral trade. He underscored that steps are necessary to prevent smuggling that causes great harm to the domestic economy.

The head of the Afghan delegation, Khan Jan Alokozai, said that FPCCI and ACCI are playing a vital role in promoting bilateral trade, and the Islamic Chamber of Commerce is also praiseworthy. He said that tariffs and taxes on agriculture products from both sides should be eliminated, which would further enhance the trade. “Pakistan is our second home; our culture and language are one,” he remarked.

Alokozai said that they are willing to increase trade with Pakistan as both the countries need each other now more than ever. He said that there is potential to increase economic activities in this region. He said that 70 percent of trade between the two countries is done through Lahore, from where pharmaceuticals, rice, auto parts and other items are exported to Afghanistan.

He said that Afghanistan is promoting its private sector.

The delegation urged Pakistani investors to invest in Afghanistan as Pakistanis can work in mining and other sectors with ownership rights.

The Senior Director of the Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP), Rafia Syed, the Deputy Director Maryam Alvi, the Vice President of PAJCCI Shuja Muhammad, the Director of the Islamic Chamber of Commerce, Khawaja Ashraf, and others also shared their views on promoting bilateral trade.