Pakistan urges strict implementation of the Indus River Basin Water Treaty with India.

Feb 15, 2024

Pakistan has called for strict implementation of the 1960 Indus Basin Waters Treaty, a water-sharing agreement signed by Pakistan and India under World Bank auspices.

Ambassador Munir Akram, Pakistan’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, stressed the importance of addressing the looming water crisis. He made this statement while speaking at a high-level dialogue on the impact of climate change and food insecurity on international peace and security in New York, which was overseen by the UN Security Council.

According to the Pakistani News Agency, he stated that increased demand for water, combined with the effects of climate change, raises the possibility of transboundary water conflicts in various parts of the world.

During the day-long discussion convened by Guyana, Security Council President for February, Ambassador Munir Akram emphasized Pakistan’s top priority: strict implementation of the Indus Waters Treaty, in which nearly 90 countries participated.