Sheikh Tahir Mahmoud Ashrafi denounces Israeli aggression on Gaza, calls for Islamic nation unification to face the challenges.

Feb 15, 2024

Eminence Sheikh Hafiz Muhammad Tahir Mahmoud Ashrafi, Chairman of the Council of Scholars of Pakistan and Secretary-General of the International Council for the Glorification of the Two Holy Mosques, strongly condemned the events in Gaza and the injustice, aggression, bombing, oppression, destruction, tyranny, murder, forced displacement, deprivation of water, electricity, food, medicine, means of communication, and what is being practiced.

The brutal Zionist occupation forces openly violate the international order and UN, Security Council, international court, human rights institutions and organizations, human principles and values, morals, and customs.

The people of the Arab and Islamic nation are in pain as they watch these barbaric practices carried out by the army of the cowardly Zionist entity inside the Gaza Strip, in light of the surprising silence of the world, which watches the destruction of Gaza without condemnation, until today it has become piles of rubble and remnants of houses which were demolished on top of civilian residents, and innocent people, including these unprecedented barbaric crimes reflect the extent of Israel’s leaders’ senseless violence and extremism, whose hands are stained with the blood of the innocent and weak, who are targeted by blind Zionist terrorist gangs and their hatred rooted in foolish Zionist army leaders who disdain human rights.

The Chairman of the Pakistani Scholars Council was appalled by the international community’s failure to condemn Israeli aggression and take legal action to stop the brutal attacks on Gaza.

Sheikh Hafiz Ashrafi urged all nations to intervene immediately and hold the brutal aggressor Zionist entity responsible for its treatment of Gaza’s civilians accountable. The Arab and Islamic nation must continue to communicate with the world, support the brothers in Palestine, and protect Gazans from this unjust aggression. We must work with all nations to find immediate solutions to end the injustice and aggression against our brothers, the oppressed Palestinian people in Gaza, who are subjected to hundreds of destructive missiles, shells, and shrapnel that target them 24/7, as well as various prohibited and internationally banned weapons. But the Zionist-Israeli enemy fails, does not comply, and does not respect international order.

Sheikh Hafiz Ashrafi concluded by emphasizing the need for cooperation and immediate action to stop the brutal Israeli aggression on Gaza and the importance of uniting the Arab and Islamic nation under the leadership of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the current president of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, led by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz, and his Crown Prince, Prince Mohammed bin Salman. They stand with the Palestinian people in strength, firmness, steadfastness, and clarity, and we applaud their permanent support and harnessing the Kingdom and its institutions to support the nation’s issues, especially the Palestinian issue, which is the most important for the Kingdom and the Islamic world.